Tuesday 7 October 2008

Art Lesson

In today's art lesson we had work on Photoshop to create a poster on what's happening in London or Hackney.I created a poster on "What's Happening in London".The lesson before,Beth and I made our title for the poster using letters that we cut out from magazines and newspapers.Mr Cullingford took pictures of our posters and uploaded them on to the computer.When we logged onto the computer we had to look for our posters.I had trouble looking for it but then sir helped me to look for it.Then i started editing the tittle on Adobe photoshop.I didn't know how to use the apple computers so i got really confused.Then Howard came to help me and taught me lots of different skills and effects that i could use to make my tittle make look better and effective.I experimented with lots of different effets and made my title look good.After i started adding informatoin about theatres.However i didn't get to finish it off so sir told us to finish it next lesson.I saved my work and logged out.I felt quite angry in the lesson because i didn't know how the use the computer but with the help of Howard i managed to get something done.

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