Thursday 18 September 2008


On Thursday 11th of september 2008 we visited the BBC television centre in White City.The aim of the trip was for us to develop our knowledge more about the working industry and learn some new useful skills in media.When we reached there we were given a little intrioduction about the BBC and how the day was goin to work.We had to make a short film and edit it on our choosen topic in groups of 4-5.My group included Beth,Gina,Cheyenne and Kai.Our topic was"The Women Who Fell To Earth".Each group was given a camera and a tripod.Before we could go onto making our film,we had to plan it out and our helper talked us through how to use the camera.After that we went to a place and started filming in our groups.I was the camera person and the others was acting.We had 1 hour of filming time.After lunch we we went on the computers to edit our films.I learnt lots of new skills to cut films,add music,title and pictures.After that it was the end to a good day

About Me..

My name is Farah
I go to Stoke Newington School
I'm doing the Diploma Creative and Media course.
I choose this course because it includes variates of subject drama textiles and media.
This course involves a lot of hard working and moving around so it will keep me active and updated.
I'm sure that this course will help me a lot in future because I will have a lot of job options for my working courier.